What is opengl 4.3
What is opengl 4.3

what is opengl 4.3 what is opengl 4.3

GL_ARB_copy_image: direct copy of pixels between textures and render buffers.GL_ARB_compute_shader: introduces new shader stage and enables advanced processing algorithms that harness the parallelism of GPUs.

what is opengl 4.3

GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object: clear a buffer object with a constant value.GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility: brings EAC and ETC2 texture compression formats.GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays: allows multi-dimensional arrays in GLSL.Here are the new that should be exposed by an OpenGL 4.3 driver: OpenGL Shading Language 4.30.6 Specification (updated August 3, 2012).OpenGL 4.3 Core Profile Specification (updated August 6, 2012).You can find the complete specification HERE or you can use these New functionality in the OpenGL 4.3 specification includes: – compute shaders that harness GPU parallelism for advanced computation such as image, volume, and geometry processing within the context of the graphics pipeline – shader storage buffer objects that enable vertex, tessellation, geometry, fragment and compute shaders to read and write large amounts of data and pass significant data between shader stages – texture parameter queries to discover actual supported texture parameter limits on the current platform – high quality ETC2 / EAC texture compression as a standard feature, eliminating the need for a different set of textures for each platform – debug capability to receive debugging messages during application development – texture views for interpreting textures in many different ways without duplicating the texture data itself – indirect multi-draw that enables the GPU to compute and store parameters for multiple draw commands in a buffer object and re-use those parameters with one draw command, particularly efficient for rendering many objects with low triangle counts – increased memory security that guarantees that an application cannot read or write outside its own buffers into another application’s data – a multi-application robustness extension that ensures that an application that causes a GPU reset will not affect any other running applications.

what is opengl 4.3

The new features of OpenGL 4.3 are summarized here: And full backwards compatibility is maintained with old fixed functions. Among the new features, OpenGL 4.3 brings the support of a new kind of shader, the compute shader via the GL_ARB_compute_shader extension. The Khronos Group has released today, at the SIGGRAPH 2012, the OpenGL 4.3 specification.

What is opengl 4.3